Knowing Jesus is what Living Hope Church is all about. Whether you have grown up in church or this is your first experience with Christianity, your foundation must be built on an understanding of the relationship between God and man
Preaching the Word of God Believing that the Bible is the authoritative, inspired Word of God, our preaching focuses on the truth of God and how that truth is relevant to our every day lives. Scripture is our instruction manual
Bidding for the 23rd Annual Hungary Mission Team Online Auction will begin March 28 and conclude April 4. To make the auction event more manageable, we’ve actually set it up as TWO auctions. Bidding on both parts begins at the same time on March 28. However, bidding ends Tuesday, April 1, at 8:00 PM for Part 1 and Friday, April 4, at 8:00 PM for Part 2. Items may still be added and shuffled around a bit up until bidding begins.
Proceeds from the auction will be used to offset the costs for Living Hope Church’s annual summer camp work in Hungary and other missions opportunities.
Use the links below to register for the auction and to preview the items available for bidding:
Not attending services in-person? You can continue to support the ministry of Living Hope Church through your tithes and offerings!
You may mail your checks directly to the church, at the address listed at the bottom of this page. Additionally, we have established a secure online giving portal. You can make a gift by clicking the button on the left or by clicking here.